
5 Foods that Can Help Reduce Body Inflammation

Inflammation in the body can make it difficult for you to follow your daily routine. According to Ayurveda, this is caused by an imbalance of the pitta dosha. As the pitta dosha increases, the heat in the body also increases leading to inflammation and other issues. To reduce the pitta dosha, one must consume foods that are not hot or warm in nature and increase the consumption of foods that have a cooling effect. 7 amazing foods that can really help: 1.      Turmeric: Turmeric contains an important anti-inflammatory compound known as curcumin. This can help reduce inflammation associated with arthritis, arteriosclerosis, asthma, and cancer. It also reduces the effects of inflammatory oxidants such as nitric oxide. Turmeric can be used to flavor foods or steeped into a tea. 2.      Flax: Nuts such as flax and pumpkin seeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. They also help cool the body. Some other nuts and seeds that you could incl...

Lower Back Pain Remedies

Lower Back Pain is a very common condition. Certain basic guidelines that you can follow as a remedial measure are described below: 1.      Heat and cold therapy: a)      Cold application is beneficial especially in acute cases i.e. the first 48-72 hours post injury. It helps in reducing swelling and inflammation. Icing also brings about numbing effect which helps to control pain. b)     Heat application is beneficial in increasing blood flow and thus in promoting healing. Hence it is generally used in the sub-acute to chronic stages of injury. Care should be taken to ensure that a low level heat is given to avoid any burns or injuries from the excessive heat. 2.      Gradual return to activity: Usually after an episode of lower back pain, one develops fear and avoids certain/ many activities limiting their quality of life. Such a fear-avoidance behavior in the long run results in the back pai...

When there’s No Cure for Your Aching Back

You’ve seen all the doctors and specialist, and you’ve had all the tests – then, at the end of it all, you’ve discovered that your back pain in “chronic.” For many, this is an unfortunate reality thanks to conditions that are not easily treated and rarely cured such as degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis. Chronic pain from these conditions often follows a pattern of low-level discomfort with intermittent flare-ups of more intense pain. Living with chronic pain day-in and day-out can be exhausting and frustrating. But you can limit the severity of your pain and the effect it has on you with the following strategies: 1.      Become an expert in Pain Management No one pain management technique works for everyone. With this in mind, you need to be open to trying all sorts of methods and techniques to diminish and manage your pain. Keeping your pain at the lowest level possible will help keep you active, which in turn will ...

Which Doctor Should Treat Your Back Pain?

Like many people, you may be confused as to which type of doctor to see for your back pain. Every person is different, and so the answer depends on your specific situation and personal preferences. Many types of specialists treat back pain, and each has different training, skills, and interests. In the case of many health conditions, one type of medical specialist will typically coordinate your care. However, in the case of back pain there is no one type of specialist who generally coordinates care. This is especially true for any type of chronic or ongoing back problem, and you may find that you need to see more than one type of specialist to diagnose and treat your condition. When a back problem first occurs, it’s typically a good idea to first consult with a primary care physician, osteopathic physician, or chiropractor. That doctor will conduct an initial exam, and, depending on the situation, he or she may refer you to a spine specialist. If you are referred by a p...